Why Be Healthy?

Health is the Key

If we have learned anything from this COVID-19 virus, it’s that being a healthy person matters.

As we have seen during these trying times, those that have been most affected and have possibly even died, are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. Now, there is nothing you can do about being an older person, spoiler alert, it’s going to happen to all of us, but there may be something to be done if you have underlying health conditions.


So what does it even mean to be a “healthy” person? 


When the word health is thrown out there, most people automatically think about diet and weight, but health is so much more. I see health as being well rounded in mind, body and spirit. Now, this is not meant to be religious in any capacity, it is more about being in touch with yourself and with whatever it is you believe in.

I have a great quote on my refrigerator that says the following:


“When you braid body, mind and spirit, you become unbreakable”

Angaangaq – Inuk Eskimo known as Uncle


Oddly enough, many people are struggling with this right now as they are stuck at home and don’t know what to do with themselves. It seems that getting to know oneself is not even on the radar, but what better time to bring it forth. There is a lot of time on our hands right now and that means lots of opportunities to learn, study, get creative, or whatever else you can think of doing.

It is also a great time to identify, change and form new habits that can still be in place, even when things go back to normal…whatever that’s going to look like.



Let’s get started on getting healthy!


First off – the Mind

  1. Find your focus – This is a great time to start on those new or old interests that you haven’t tackled due to lack of time or motivation. If you are looking to keep yourself busy, now is a great time to turn your focus to these and start learning. 
  2. Manage stress – Times like these can create a lot of stress which in turn can decrease your immune system, mood and overall health if you don’t take control of it. Take some time for YOU and just slow down. Do whatever it is that makes you calm. Some suggestions may be meditation, deep breathing, yoga, listening to music, taking a walk, etc.
  3. Keep your brain active – Learn new skills, read, listen to documentaries, take on those new or old interests, etc.
  4. Move your body – Activity activates many positive reactions in the brain including the production of norepinephrine and dopamine which energize and elevate mood, something that may be very important right now.
  5. Sleep – A full night’s rest will make you more productive and able to concentrate better which may be important if you are currently working from home. If you can, try to stay on the same schedule that you would be on if you were going to work. This keeps your circadian rhythm consistent which will help you sleep better, feel better and function better.
  6. Reduce screen time – Try to turn your devices, including TV off at least 1 hour before going to bed. On that same note, try not to turn them on for at least 1 hour when you wake up. 
  7. Spend time outside – Nature has a way of naturally calming us down and giving us energy. A little sunshine goes a long way for your mood and mental health. It can also offer other benefits such as increased creativity and immune function. 


Next up – the Body

  1. Feed your body right – You only have one body, if you take good care of it, it will take good care of you. Focus on healthy food choices, such as fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. These boost your immune system and your brain function. Stay away from processed items and fast food. These foods make you sluggish, may make you gain weight and can cause long term health issues.
  2. Reduce sugar intake – Stay away from simple carbohydrates such as candy and soda, flavored creamers for your coffee, afternoon treats, etc. The more you can stay away from them, the less you will crave them. Eating healthy foods will help reduce cravings.
  3. Boost your immune system – Incorporate into your daily plan, foods and beverages that boost your immune system. Here are just a few of the top immune-boosting foods: broccoli, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, turmeric, green tea (I highly recommend matcha), berries, mushrooms and garlic.
  4. Exercise regularly – Be consistent with an exercise routine. It could be anything from walking to doing intense workouts. It’s totally up to you and your fitness level and goals, just do something. Exercise increases mood, metabolism and can reduce the chances of heart issues, diabetes, and other health conditions.
  5. Get plenty of rest – Sleep is your body’s “quiet time” to work on anything that may need repair. Keep in mind that alcohol is actually a sleep disruptor, so try to keep it to a minimum and avoid drinking before going to bed.


Finally – Spirit

  1. Get in touch with yourself – Do you know you? Do you like you? 
  2. Focus on your life – Are where you want to be? If not, how can you change it? What small steps can you start taking?
  3. Pay attention to your thoughts – Are you positive? Are you negative? I was just listening to a Wayne Dyer talk recently and one of his lines was “what you think is what is”. There’s another good thought quote I have heard as well that goes like this, “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, your right either way”. I love that one. Your thoughts are so powerful.
  4. Pay attention to your self-talk – Do you love yourself? Are you telling yourself negative things or positive things? 
  5. What is important – In the “big” picture of life, what matters most? Are you making those things a priority?
  6. Be Grateful – Studies show that gratitude brings increased happiness, positive experiences, improved health and strong relationships [1].
  7. Find the good and appreciate the lesson – When times are tough it’s hard to see anything positive but there is always something, even if it’s simply that you have a roof over your head or you had food to eat today. Pay attention to what is happening in your life and learn from your circumstances. Find the positive in negative times and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.


There is no doubt that the world has become a different place almost overnight, but we can adapt. It sounds like COVID-19 is just going to be a part of our lives moving forward, so take steps now to build your health.

Pick one area or all areas of Mind, Body and Spirit and start creating the life you want and deserve. Make changes as needed and as slowly or quickly as is manageable for you and your circumstances. Be kind to yourself and praise yourself for where you are. It’s a journey for all of us and each is unique. 



Enjoy the ride and be healthy while doing it!


I would love to hear what you are doing to keep yourself healthy during these unprecedented times.

Have you made any changes? Started any new routines or habits?

Where is your focus? How are you spending your time? What is keeping you going? 


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