Welcome to my Blog


Fat is good for you….no, no wait…fat is bad for you! Well, maybe some fat is ok? Actually, I think you should just eat more protein, or is it carbs? WHAT!!!!



Does this sound familiar? This is stuff we see in the headlines on a regular basis. How in the world are we supposed to know what to believe much less what we should actually be doing to lead a healthy lifestyle.


What to do?


I am so excited to start this blog to get real life, usable information out there in a simple and understandable way. I want to help decipher all of this crazy information so you can dump what doesn’t apply to you and move on with what does.


It has always been so frustrating seeing people struggle with understanding nutrition and it’s no wonder, the one thing you must do for the rest of your life is the one thing you are not educated on in school or anywhere else…EAT! It actually seems like the more confusing it’s made, the better. Can anyone relate?


This is not by accident. The big companies are really good at marketing and making you think you need to buy their products. 


All I want to do is find a way to eat relatively healthy.


Why is this so hard????


It seems that just going to the grocery store can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you are trying to make changes to your lifestyle and eating habits. Where to start? 


This is my motivation and passion and I want to help you be able to navigate this crazy world of good vs bad, healthy vs unhealthy, safe vs not safe, etc. AAAHHHHH!!!


I can’t wait to get some conversation going about the numerous topics that are nutrition. Let’s get started with the basics and dig in deeper to start clearing up the confusion.


Is that really possible? Yes, it is and I can’t wait to see where we can go.


Send me some comments with topics you want to learn more about and let’s start the journey!



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